Life cover

Learn about Scottish Widows life cover and how it works. Compare cover options and get a quote.

What is life cover?

What is life cover?

What is life cover?

Life cover can help give your family financial protection if you die during the term of your policy.

It can pay out a lump sum of money to help those you love to maintain their standard of living and keep paying the bills.

To be eligible for life insurance, you need to be a UK resident and be 18 or older.


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How does life cover work?

With life cover you can:

  • select the amount and duration that is right for you
  • cancel at any time, free of charge
  • get a cash lump sum for your loved ones if you die before your policy ends.

With life cover you can’t:

  • get any money back unless a successful claim is made
  • change your policy after it has started
  • keep your cover if you miss your monthly payments.

Simple and easy claims process

Simple and easy claims process

In 2023 we paid out £149 million in life cover claims, helping over 10,000 families.

We paid out 99% of claims, 30% of these for cancer.

Whatever you need, we’ve got you covered

Whatever you need, we’ve got you covered

Our range of cover options include decreasing cover, which can help pay off a repayment mortgage, or level cover to help with an interest-only mortgage.

Scottish Widows Care

Scottish Widows Care

Our Life cover gives you access to practical and emotional support at a time when you might need it most.

This is available through Scottish Widows Care.


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Life cover options

There are a number of things you’ll need to consider when you’re taking out life cover. Here are some of the options available to you. Your adviser will be able to help you decide what is most suitable to meet your protection needs.

Level cover The amount of cover you choose and your premium will remain the same through the term of your policy. The amount of cover won’t change over time so you and your family know how much will be received in the event of a claim.
Decreasing cover The amount of cover you choose reduces each month, but your premium remains the same. This is normally chosen to cover a repayment mortgage.
Increasing cover The amount of cover you choose increases each year in line with the Retail Prices Index (RPI). Your premium will also increase for this type of cover. This means that your cover amount stays in line with inflation. As this type of cover stays in line with inflation, it is designed to combat price rises, maintaining its real value throughout the term.
Premium Protection This cover means you won’t have to pay your premiums if you’re unable to work because of an accident or disability. This means that you won’t lose your cover if you can’t pay your premiums if you’re unable to work.
Trusts A trust is a legal arrangement that lets the owner of something ‘gift’ ownership to someone else, this could include cash, property, shares or a life insurance policy. This means that you can make sure that the money from your policy goes to the people that you choose.

You can find out more about our current life cover from Scottish Widows in our policy summary (PDF, 2MB). If you already have a policy with us then please check the Policy Provisions you were sent when you took out your policy, or speak to your financial adviser.


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Get a quote

Talk to an expert and get a quote

Talk to an expert and get a quote

Speak to an expert at Cavendish Online for advice on our life insurance policies and get a quote.

Call Cavendish Online on 0800 131 0018, Monday to Thursday 9am to 7pm​, Friday 9am to 6pm.

Or ask for a call back at a time that suits you.

Cavendish Online is part of Lloyds Banking Group. They won’t charge you for advice, and you don't have to agree to anything when you speak to them.

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