Change of personal details

Tell us about a change to your name or address.

Change of address

Change of address

Update your address online. It's quick and can be done in just a few short steps.

Tell us online Tell us online

Change of name

Change of name

You can let us know your name has changed by writing to us. You'll need to download and complete our form.

Download our form (PDF, 134KB) opens in a new tab

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How to tell us you’ve changed address

Update your address online

The simplest way to update your address is by using our online change of address form. It’s quick and can be done in just a few short steps.

Update your address by phone

If you’d prefer to speak to someone, you can call us. You’ll find the number you need by selecting your product on our contact page.

Update your address by post

You'll need to download, complete and post a copy of our change of address form (PDF, 16KB). Send your completed form to:​

Scottish Widows
PO Box 24171
69 Morrison Street

How to tell us your name has changed

You can let us know your name has changed by writing to us. You’ll need to download and complete our change of name form (PDF, 53KB) and post it to us, along with an approved document for ID.

When you return your completed and signed form, please also send us 1 of the following:​

  • A Marriage Certificate or Civil Partnership Certificate showing a link between the name we hold on our records and your current name.
  • A Divorce Decree/Order together with your Birth Certificate, if divorced and returning to your maiden name.
  • An Enrolled Deed Poll document, which must show a link between the name we hold on our records and your current name. If you don’t have an Enrolled Deed Poll document, we’ll only accept a certified copy of an Unenrolled Deed Poll document. This is a simple legal statement that you’ve changed your name.
  • A certified copy MUST:​

    • include the full name, address and the position/status of the person certifying the document.​

    • be dated and signed by the person certifying the document.​

    • be clear and legible.
    • For UK nationals: be certified by a UK solicitor; UK employee of a bank or other regulated financial institution; Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) regulated financial advisor or broker and any of the Intermediary’s employees; Certified or Chartered Accountant; an embassy, consulate or high commission official of the country of issue.​

    • For NON UK nationals: be certified by a Financial Conduct Authority regulated financial advisor or broker and any of the Intermediary’s employees; UK employee of a bank or other regulated financial institution; a Solicitor, Lawyer or Attorney of either the UK or the country of issue; or an embassy, consulate or high commission official of the country of issue.​

    • NOT be certified by the person for whom the documentation is being submitted, even if they fall into one of the categories above.​


Send the form to:

Scottish Widows
PO Box 24171
69 Morrison Street