How much do you need to retire?

We all know we have to retire at some point. But how do you know if you’ll have enough money?

Living costs in retirement

Life changes when you retire - and so does how you spend your money. Whatever your plans, it's important to keep on top of things and think about the lifestyle you want.

Take a moment or two to work out a budget. That may sound daunting or just plain boring, however the better you know and plan your own finances, the more confident you'll feel about the decisions you make now.

Your personal circumstances

Everybody's circumstances are different, but the key consideration for most people when they think about retiring will come down to factors such as:

  • how much money you think you need in retirement
  • if you plan to phase your retirement by working part-time
  • if you have any debt to pay off
  • your life expectancy and health
  • how much money you've saved in pensions and other investments.

How much will you need?

Using independent research carried out by Loughborough University on behalf of the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association, these living standards provide a benchmark level of annual income to show what life in retirement could look like for you.


The effects of inflation mean that money is unlikely to buy as much in the future as it will today, as the price of goods and services increase. 

However, there are steps you can take to protect any income you may be taking from your pension. Some retirement products offer some degree of protection from inflation. And you don't have to take all your pension - you can keep some invested, so that it can potentially grow.

Your pension options

State Pension

You will only be able to receive the State Pension when you reach a certain age, and if you have paid enough in National Insurance contributions.

In 2024/2025, the State Pension is £221.20 per week.

Find out more about the State Pension


If you are in debt, you should consider the impact any debt has to your retirement planning.

Using your pension to pay off debts

If you're looking to use your pension to pay off your debts it's important to make sure you've still got enough money to live on in retirement. The money you have left after tax might not be enough.

To get an idea of how much tax you might have to pay on any cash lump sum from your pension, use this GOV.UK tax calculator. If you're just taking tax-free cash, there won't be any tax to pay.

GOV.UK tax calculator

Any money you take out of your pension will no longer be protected from any debt proceedings against you.

It's worthwhile looking at other possible options to pay off your debt which can be found on the Government website.

More information

You can find impartial advice on debt on these government websites:

The Money Advice Service

The Citizens Advice Service


Did you know

Life changes when you retire – and so does how you spend your money.

Your Scottish Widows Pension

Your Scottish Widows Pension

If you have a pension with Scottish Widows already and want to put more in, visit our Individual Pensions page for more information.

Your Scottish Widows pension

Retirement calculator

Retirement calculator

Our calculator can help you find out what your income and lifestyle could be in retirement.

Having the value of any pensions, savings and investments you have will help you get the most out of the calculator.

Use the calculator

Pension basics

Pension basics

Whatever stage of the retirement journey you’re at, get the basics before you go any further.

Pension basics