Helping women plan their financial future
Our National Retirement Forecast shows that 42% of women risk facing poverty in retirement, compared to 35% of men.* Find out what’s driving such a difference between women and men’s retirement incomes, and what actions can be taken to help close the gap.

Beat the gap
Our Beat the Gap tool can show you where and when your own pension gap is most likely to occur. By answering a few simple questions like your age, gender and whether you have children or plan to, the tool will provide you with personalised data, tailored tips and the top three ways you can help beat it.

Together, we can close the gender pension gap
For 20 years, we’ve been reporting on women’s financial resilience in our industry-leading Women and Retirement Report. Jill Henderson, Head of Workplace Strategic Relationships, shares her thoughts on this year's Women and Retirement Report.
2024 Women and Retirement Report
Our Women and Retirement Report highlights the unique challenges women could face as they plan for retirement, and what actions your employees can take to help them plan for a better financial future. Watch our webinar playback to find out more about what our 20th report reveals and how this might affect your employees.
Although the gender pensions gap persists, encouraging progress has been made in the past 20 years. Listen to our podcast to hear our panel of experts reflect on the key milestones reached during this time.

Our report reveals a 30% gender pensions gap in overall retirement income.*

42% of women risk facing poverty in retirement, compared to 35% of men.*

How you can support your employees
Support, encourage and educate your employees using our Women and Retirement employee engagement materials. Help them understand what the gender pensions gap is and how to avoid key traps to make it easy for them to take action.

The 'F' word
Invite your employees to explore the ‘F’ word content in the Scottish Widows app. They can follow the progress made so far in addressing the social barriers women face, and invite others to join the ongoing conversation about making the gender pensions gap history.

Women and retirement employee webinar
As part of our RetireWell webinar series, and in support of International Women’s Day, invite your employees to join us on Wednesday 5th March to hear about the findings from our 20 years of research, learn more about the unique challenges women face as they plan for retirement, and what steps can be taken to increase savings.
Share the calendar below with your employees and invite them to register.
* Source: Scottish Widows Women and Retirement Report 2024